A Thank You Note to Allies


Your dedication to the community is something I respect and admire, especially when there are so many people who try to discredit the importance of what you do. You are necessary, and you shouldn’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

You’re able to help when I need it most, whether you know you’re doing it or not. Sometimes simply knowing you’re nearby is enough to make me feel safer because I know I have a safe place to go if I’m feeling unsafe where I am. 

Your support has helped me get to today as a stronger, more confident person. Knowing my journey isn’t one I need to go through alone, and knowing I have people who I can go to when I need help or just need to talk something out is extremely comforting. 

Whether you’re family, friends, professors/teachers, or all of the above, thank you so much for being the amazingly understanding and welcoming people you are. You are making a difference.



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One Response to A Thank You Note to Allies

  1. Angelo says:

    Very well spoken. Glad being an ally makes a difference!!!

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