What Does Cisgender Mean?

Welcome to the first installment of Terminology Tuesday, where I will explain a certain term more in-depth than I do on the terms page.

This week I will explain what it means when someone uses the term “cisgender.”

This is one of the easier terms to both explain and understand. If you are cisgender, your gender identity aligns with the sex you were assigned at birth. For example, if your parents or doctor identified you as a boy when you were born, and you identify as a boy throughout the rest of your life, you are cisgender.

If you like science, think of cis molecules vs. trans molecules. When a molecule is a cis molecule, the atoms are on the same side; when a person is cisgender, both their sex and their identity are on the same side. Similarly, when a molecule is a trans molecule, the atoms are not on the same side; when a person is transgender, their identity and their sex are not on the same side.

If you are still confused about what it means to be cisgender, feel free to leave a comment or contact me for more information.

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