What Does Going Stealth Mean?

This week’s Terminology Tuesday is going to explain what it means to be going stealth.

Going stealth is a term in the trans* community used to describe passing as a gender identity which doesn’t align with your biological sex to the point where everyone thinks you are cis. 

For example, say you are a trans male. You could be in a conversation with someone you have never met before, and that person could refer to you as a boy. This is because you are passing well enough as a male to be perceived as a male.

If you have any questions or have anything you would like to add or comment on, feel free to comment, Tweet, or contact me.

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What is Pansexuality?

This week for Terminology Tuesday I’m going to explain pansexuality.

Pansexuality is not attraction to pans. Or bread. Please do not make this mistake.

Pansexuality is possible attraction to all genders. This does necessarily not mean attraction to all genders all the time. It simply means that an individual can be attracted to someone of any gender identity. 

If you have any questions or anything to add, join the discussion! Feel free to comment, tweet, or contact me

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What Does It Mean To Be Passing?

This week’s Terminology Tuesday will explain what it means to be passing.

This is not the kind of passing which refers to a grade in a class. Passing has to do with gender identity and expression, and is a term mostly used in the trans* community. 

Passing is when an individual is perceived as the gender they are expressing themself as. 

As earlier discussed, there are times when an individual’s gender identity and expression do not align with their biological sex. Let’s use the example of someone whose biological sex is female, but who identifies and expresses himself as a male. When this individual is perceived as male by those around him, those who haven’t met him and don’t know he’s transgender, he’s passing. 

If you have any questions about passing, or want to add to the discussion, feel free to comment, tweet, or contact me.

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What Is The Closet?

This week for Terminology Tuesday I will explain the closet.

You’ve probably heard of a closet before. That thing people put their clothes in. But why would someone be in it? Or come out of it?

If someone is in the closet, they are not open about their identity, whether that be their sexual identity, their romantic identity, their gender identity, or any combination of the three.

If someone comes out of the closet, they are letting the people in their life know, explicitly, about their identity/identities.

If you want to know any more about the closet, have any questions, or have anything you would like to add, feel free to comment or contact me.

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What Does It Mean To Misgender Someone?

This week on Terminology Tuesday I will explain what it means to misgender someone.

Misgendering someone is when, for example, you call a boy “she.” You refer to someone by the incorrect gender. 

Sometimes it’s intentional, but it can also simply be a mistake. It happens. Whether you are on the sending or receiving end, I need you to know that making an honest mistake is okay. The idea of two distinct genders, male and female, which can easily be visually identified has been ingrained in a lot of people for as long as they have been alive. It isn’t always easy to break out of this. It’s okay to make an honest mistake. 

What is not okay is intentionally misgendering someone. Often, trans* individuals will be intentionally misgendered in someone else’s attempt to invalidate their identity. This could be done for a number of reasons, one being to validate their own identity. Intentionally misgendering someone in an attempt to insult and invalidate them is never okay. 

If you want to talk more about this topic, or have anything you want to add, feel free to either contact me or leave a comment. 

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What Does Quoiromantic Mean?

This week on Terminology Tuesday I’m going to explain what it means to be quoiromantic. 

If an individual identifies as quoiromantic, that individual has a hard time telling the difference between romantic attraction and platonic attraction, or between having a crush on someone and liking them as a friend. Often, quoiromantic individuals will have a difficult time knowing when they are being flirted with and when they are flirting with someone. 

If you have any questions about quoiromance, or want to comment or discuss, feel free to leave a comment or contact me

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What Is The Gender Spectrum?

This week’s Terminology Tuesday is going to be a big one. I’m going to explain the gender spectrum.

The gender spectrum contains any and all gender identities, but is most often used to refer to nonbinary gender identities (the binary gender identities are male and female).

The gender spectrum can be broken up into three distinct sections: biological sex, gender identity, and gender expression.

Biological sex is the physical makeup of one’s body. Some examples are male, female, and intersex, but this is by no means an exhaustive list.

Gender identity is how one views oneself. Some examples are man, woman, and genderqueer, but this is by no means an exhaustive list.

Gender expression is how one communicates their gender to others. Some examples are masculine, feminine, and androgynous, but this is by no means an exhaustive list.

These sections are independent of one another but can all align, such as when a biological female views herself as a woman and expresses herself femininely. However, when they do not align, such as when a biological female views himself as a man and expresses himself masculinely, it can create a situation where the individual will identify with an identity on the gender spectrum.

If you would like more information about the gender spectrum, feel free to either contact me or check out Sam Killerman’s article.

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What Does It Mean To Be Androsexual?

For the first Terminology Tuesday of 2016 I will be explaining what it means to be androsexual.

Similar to gynesexuality, androsexuality is also fairly easy to learn and remember.

Androsexuality is sexual attraction to males.

There are several reasons a person will identify as androesexual as opposed to heterosexual or homosexual. One of the main reasons is being on the gender spectrum. It makes it easier because sometimes people will ask, “how can you be gay or straight if you’re not a boy or a girl?” Identifying as either androsexual or gynesexual, though it will probably cause confusion at first, will make it a bit easier to explain to people.

Rememer, everyone’s identity and perception of their identity is going to be different. Some androsexuals might only be with cis-males, while others might not care if someone is cis or trans. There is no clear-cut answer. Everyone is different.

If you’re still confused about androsexuality, want to share any information you may have, or want to add to or correct my explanation, feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

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What Does It Mean To Be Gynesexual? 

This week on Terminology Tuesday I will be explaining what it means to be gynesexual.

Some of you might be thinking something along the lines of, “oh my goodness, there are so many identities. What could this possibly mean and how am I ever going to remember it?” I have good news for you! Gynesexuality is fairly easy to understand, learn, and remember.

Gynesexuality is sexual attraction to females. Think of a gynecologist, a female reproductive doctor, to help you to remember it (they both begin with “gyne”).

There are several reasons a person will identify as gynesexual as opposed to heterosexual or homosexual. One of the main reasons is being on the gender spectrum. It makes it easier because sometimes people will ask, “how can you be gay or straight if you’re not a boy or a girl?” Identifying as either gynesexual or androsexual, though it will probably cause confusion at first, will make it a bit easier to explain to people.

Rememer, everyone’s identity and perception of their identity is going to be different. Some gynesexuals might only be with cis-females, while others might not care if someone is cis or trans. There is no clear-cut answer. Everyone is different.

If you’re still confused about gynesexuality, want to share any information you may have, or want to add to or correct my explanation, feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Posted in Sexuality, Spectrum, Terminology Tuesday | 1 Comment

Holiday Greetings and Advice

Happy holidays to all those who celebrate!

I wanted to pass along something I saw once. I’m not sure who to credit for it, because I saw it as a screenshot on social media, so if it’s yours: 1) thank you, it’s wonderful; 2) if you would like me to remove it or credit you please let me know.

This holiday season, if you are not “out” you may be around friends or family members who are constantly misgendering you or asking relationship-related questions.

Pretend you are undercover.


This doesn’t only have to apply to someone expected to be a girl. It can work for anyone, just tweak it to fit your situation.

If you have any other ways you make being around family for the holidays easier, feel free to share by either leaving a comment, sending an email, or tweeting at us.

And always remember, stay safe.

Posted in Gender, LGBTQ+, Romantic Orientation, Sexuality, Spectrum | Leave a comment